Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Mcnpro Box Suite version 2.1.1 Released (Box V3.2.6 and ChinaRes V1.2.9)

Mcnpro Box Suite version 2.1.1 Released (Box V3.2.6 and ChinaRes V1.2.9)

Mcnpro Box Suite version 2.1.0 included:
  • Mcnpro Box Official Main version 3.2.6 New!!
  • Mcnpro Box ChinaRes Editor version 1.2.9 New!!
  • Mcnpro Box Virtual oscilloscope tools

What's new for Mcnpro box version 3.2.6 ?
  • Spreadtrum new Flash ICs added
  • Fix Spreadtrum bootloader automatic detection bugs
  • Fix Spreadtrum 6610 / 6620 read /write bugs
  • Improved MTK 62xx decryption (New Flash IC)
  • Add MTK USB Pin-find function (Eg. MT6252 just few second)
  • Add MTK USB read / write function (Beta)
  • Fix Mstar bootloader automatic detection bugs
  • Mstar Nand flash Write operations improved
  • Other small report bugs fixed

What's new for ChinaRes Editor version 1.2.9 ?
  • Keypad define layout function improved
  • Add MTK new flash ICs supported
  • Add Spreadtrum new Flash ICs supported
  • Some UNICODE character match bugs fixed
  • Other small bugs fixed

Upgrading from Previous Versions:
  • As usual, We recommend that all customers running previous versions now upgrade to new version which is available for all customers with valid, To download that from support section !

Mcnpro Box Suite version 2.1.1 Released (Box V3.2.6 and ChinaRes V1.2.9)

Mcnpro Box Suite version 2.1.0 included:

Mcnpro Box Official Main version 3.2.6 New!!
Mcnpro Box ChinaRes Editor version 1.2.9 New!!
Mcnpro Box Virtual oscilloscope tools

What's new for Mcnpro box version 3.2.6 ?

Spreadtrum new Flash ICs added
Fix Spreadtrum bootloader automatic detection bugs
Fix Spreadtrum 6610 / 6620 read /write bugs
Improved MTK 62xx decryption (New Flash IC)
Add MTK USB Pin-find function (Eg. MT6252 just few second) [How easy we are!]
Add MTK USB read / write function (Beta) [How easy we are!]
Fix Mstar bootloader automatic detection bugs
Mstar Nand flash Write operations improved
Other small report bugs fixed

What's new for ChinaRes Editor version 1.2.9 ?

Keypad define layout function improved
Add MTK new flash ICs supported
Add Spreadtrum new Flash ICs supported
Some UNICODE character match bugs fixed
Other small bugs fixed

Upgrading from Previous Versions:

As usual, We recommend that all customers running previous versions now upgrade to new version which is available for all customers with valid, To download that from support section !

More infos please check here and here !

Best regards !


Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.40 released !

Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.40 Added RAPIDO Safe Erase, downgrade now with USB

- USB flashing improved
Maemo5/Maemo6 Flash engine revised
Downgrade check for Maemo improved

- Added RAPIDO Safe Erase
Allow Downgrade , Security rebuild and other via USB cable Only
FBUS no need more, if you want downgrade phone 

- Simlock Restore improved
New types supported
SW version and stuff information extraction (RM-type, compile date)

- RSA log verification improved
Added new models to base 

- Other
Ini updated. Corrected and added new models
Some bugfixes

Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.40

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

HTC Sensation XL, Sangar dengan Layar Lebar

Jakarta - Sensation XL memang agak berbeda dengan ponsel HTC lainnya. Produk ini memiliki tubuh paling besar, suara paling lantang, dan kamera yang diklaim terbaik di kelasnya. Benarkah demikian? Yuk, simak ulasan berikut ini.

Desain: Besar, Tipis dan Nyaman Digenggam

Layar 4,7 inch yang diusung Sensation XL memang membuat ponsel ini tampak jumbo, dan paling besar dari seluruh smartphone yang pernah digelontorkan HTC. Tapi ketika digenggam, bodi tipisnya ternyata bikin nyaman digunakan.

Jika dilihat dari spesifikasinya, produk ini memiliki berat 162,5 gram dengan dimensi 132,5 x 70,7 x 9,9 mm. Jadi selain tipis, Sensation XL juga terasa ringan namun tak kehilangan kesan kokoh.

Ya, alumunium yang menyelimuti hampir seluruh bagian tubuh Sensation XL membuat kesan kokoh terpancar jelas dari produk ini. Belum lagi ditambah perpaduan warna putih dan silver yang sukses memberikan kesan elegan. Cukup menarik.

Jika dilihat dari tata letak tombol ponsel ini tak berbeda dengan produk HTC lainnya. Di bagian depan hanya ada touch panel Home, Menu, Back dan Search. Sedangkan di bagian kiri ada tombol volume, jack 3,5mm dan Power di bagian atas. 

Sedangkan di bagian belakang hanya terdapat sepasang LED flash sebagai pedamping kamera 8 MP yang diusungnya. Sayang, tak ada tombol khusus untuk aksi jepret-menjepret.
Performa Sangar di Layar Lebar

Soal tenaga, meski bukan yang terkuat dari seri Sensation lainnya, produk ini terbilang cukup mumpuni. Chipsetnya sudah menggunakan Qualcomm MSM8255 yang di dalamnya terdapat prosesor Scorpion 1,5 GHz dan GPU Adreno 205.  
Skor Quadrant 1.923

Soal jeroan memang tak ada yang istimewa, namun soal kualitas gambar, ponsel ini layak diacung jempol. Ketika dijajal detikINET, HTC Sensation XL ternyata memiliki sudut pandang yang lebih baik dari saudaranya, Sensation. 

Dilihat dari tingkat kemiringan 40-50 derajat Sensation XL masih terlihat lebih baik tanpa penurunan kualitas gambar. Berbeda dengan Sensation yang sudah mulai mengalami penurunan.

Masih soal layar. Meski memiliki ukuran yang paling besar dari seri Sensation lainnya, namun sayang resolusinya cuma 480 X 800 pixel, lebih kecil dari Sensation (biasa) atau XE yang mencapai 540 X 960 pixel.

Suara Lantang, Kamera Luar Biasa

Soal suara, speaker internal produk ini memang terbilang cukup lantang di kelasnya, tapi jangan dulu beranggapan bisa mendapatkan kualitas yang baik jika diputar dengan keras. 

Lain halnya ketika pengguna memakai earphone Beats Audio yang disertakan dalam paket penjualan. Wuih.. suaranya nendang, dengan efek bass yang sangat terasa, cocok bagi Anda yang menyukai musik jedag-jedug.

Namun di antara semua fitur yang disodorkan, tak dipungkiri lagi jika kualitas kameranya sungguh luar biasa. Baik outdoor maupun indor hasil jepretannya terlihat baik.

Pengambilan gambar jarak dekat (close-up) memiliki hasil yang luar biasa. Di beberapa area, detail gambarnya terlihat amat tajam dan indah dilihat. Berikut adalah contoh hasil jeretan kamera HTC Sensation XL dalam jarak dekat.

Pun demikian dengan fitur lainya. Ada beberapa modus pengambilan gambar yang bisa digunakan di Sensation XL. Ada modus Action Burst untuk menangkap gambar hingga 5 framesekaligus, Panorama untuk mengambil gambar yang luas, Close Up, Backlight HDR, Low Light, White Board, Portait dan lainnya.

Soal efek juga tak ketinggalan. Ada beberapa filtering yang bisa digunakan seperti Vintage, Depth of Field, Distortion, dan beberapa efek lainnya. Filter ini bukan hal baru memang, karena sudah ada di beberapa produk HTC sebelumnya.

Hasil foto outdoor

Kualitas foto yang dihasilkan memang cukup mempesona. Lalu bagaimana jika digunakan untuk merekam video? Sayang, hanya mampu merekam hingga resolusi 1280 X 720 pixel.

Ya, meski belum bisa merekam video full HD, namun hasil rekaman dari Sensation XL masih enak dilihat pada televisi berukuran 32 inchi. Sebab, rekaman video yang dihasilkan menggunakan format MP4 dengan bitrate 5235 kbps dan suara stereo di level 132 kbps.

Nah, untuk merekam video, ada baiknya memperhatikan ruang simpan yang tersedia. Sebab, selain tidak disediakannya slot memori eksternal, hasil rekaman dari Sensation XL juga memiliki ukuran besar. Sekitar 14 MB untuk rekamaan berdurasi 20 detik.

Secara keseluruhan memang Sensation XL bukan diperuntukkan bagi pengguna Android yang ingin memiliki ponsel paling kencang, tapi lebih untuk mereka yang gemar fotografi sekaligus pecinta musik dan multimedia.

+ Hasil foto bening
+ Besar tapi ringan
+ Ada Beats Audio

- Resolusi layar kecil
- Tidak ada tombol kamera
- Tidak ada slot MicroSD

  • Sistem operasi: Android 2.3
  • Layar: S-LCD capacitive touchscreen 4,7", 480 X 800 pixel
  • Prosesor: Scorpion 1,5 GHz
  • Memori: ROM 16 GB, RAM 768 MB
  • Kamera: 8 MP, Autofocus, dual LED Flash
  • Kapasitas baterai: 1600 mAh
( eno / ash ) 

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Alasan Blackberry Bold 9000 Anda Mati

Mungkin anda pernah mengalami kasus yang sama , yaitu bb9000 anda tiba2 mati atau mengalami keborosan battery yang tiba - tiba ? . kenapa bisa terjadi ? dan apa penyebabnya ? , Anda ingin tahu ? , simak sedikit artikel dan tips dari saya .

1. Jangan sekali-kali memakai charging palsu bermerk abal-abal jika charging pada bb9000 anda rusak , oleh kenapa ? karena charging palsu mengisi secara tidak sempurna , selidik demi selidik adalah charging palsu memiliki arus yang kecil dan memiliki voltase besar , pengisian battery dititik beratkan pada pengedropan voltase untuk memperbesar arus , ini berbanding terbalik pada charging bb yang original alhasil komponen di blackberry anda akan cepat rusak bila dipakai secara terus menerus .

2.Usahakan mengisi battery / charging pada level indikator satu oleh kenapa ? karena bila pengisian batt pada level pengisian lemah atau habis sama sekali akan menyebabkan cepat rusaknya ic ldo ( low drop output )TPS62356 pada tegangan core otak blackberry yang secara langsung mendapat asupan pada tegangan dan arus battery hal ini diakibatkan oleh meningkatnya arus battery secara berlebihan ketika pengisian battery habis total .

3.usahakan mengisi battery pada keadaan offline atau dimatikan untuk mengurangi tekanan arus yang besar pada IC TPS62356 .

Sekarang pertanyaanya apakah IC TPS62356 rusak dapat menyebabkan ponsel bb9000 anda mati?
"iya" karena IC TPS62356 menyuplai tegangan ke otak blackberry sebesar 1,8v otomatis jika rusak akan mengakibatkan tidak tersuplynya makanan ke cpu bb9000 anda .
gambar diatas merupakan data sheets ic tps 62350 -62356
yang dimana :
vi : volt input dari battery
pvin : tegangan masukan
avin : tegangan masukan
pgnd : power ground
fb: feedback tegangan output
aground : ground
en : switch dari ic tps 62356

Sedikit artikel dari saya semoga membantu .

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

5130 contact service done RAP and FLASH changed

5130 contact service done RAP and FLASH changed work in old rebal by Ashfaq 



MXKEY / MXBOX v3.5 revision 1.8

v3.5 revision 1.8, Public-Release

What is new:

Nokia Tool
- added: support for Windows Phone 7 platform
allow normal flashing (Refurbish) and dead mode flashing(Recovery)
for recovery please select "Nokia DLOAD (Recovery) in connection list
( the drivers located to "data\drivers\nokia\wp" )

- added: esco file handling

- bugfix: FBUS protocol bug with Symbian Belle

- updated sl3bf to version 3.7
added: support for oclHashcat-lite-0.09
minor bug fixed + improvements

- added: HTI OTP ID displayed on connect

- added: flash update version ""

- bugfix: Rapido Usb "FUR Cold Boot" bug

- bugfix: BB5 Usb FUR control bug

- bugfix: Write local RFBB definitions(*.pm) bug

BlackBerry Tool

- added: unlock by PRD function
allow to select PRD instead of MEP for unlock calc
(usefull for MEP-LOADED or hidden MEP)

- minor bugfix

Added to setup HTI Misc Tool (htic.exe)
for now, it has features:

- Imei analyst: Used to analysis IMEI/TAC number

- iPhone/iPad Serial number analysis

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] v8.50 Setup Download

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] v8.50 Setup Download

ATF V8.50 download 

TF Lumia & Micro SD BruteForce v8.5 Update!! 28 FEB 2012!!

Windows Phone Lumia Flashing Engine Fully Supported

--> FULL FLash Lumia 800, 800.2, 710, 710.1, 610 and other upcoming Windows Phone Devices
--> Firmware Downgrade supported for ALL Lumia Products
--> Partial Flashing Supported for ALL Lumia Products (Skip Mode, Skip WPOS, Skip OSBL etc...)
--> Supports Dead and Alive Phone
--> Can Scan Live Phone
--> Cross-Flashing Supported for Products with the same Roothash (710 <--> 710.1 or 800 <--> 800.2)
--> Boot OSBL via NORMAL MODE Fully Implemented (No need to power off phone)
--> No need to press the VOLUME UP Button for Lumia 710 and Lumia 710.1

Micro SD Card Password Bruteforce Now Implemented

--> Customizable Character Sets Available (small caps only, digits only etc)
--> Supports all Types of micro SD Card from 32MB upto 128GB
--> Customizable Min and Max Length of Password Mask
--> Pause/Resume Supported
--> Automatically Saves RESUME File every 500 Passwords

Micro SD Card Total Erase (Low Level Erase)

--> Supports all Types of micro SD Card from 32MB upto 128GB

Bug Fixes:

1. Fixed GUI Hang when FBUS Simlock Backup Fails at the Start of Flashing.
2. Fixed FBUS Booting when receiving receiving incomplete BB5 Boot Code.

Other Updates:

1. Added Complete New Product Listing Inside Nokia.ini
2. Removed iTablets Legacy Flasher (iTablets and MEego are Now Fully Inside BB5 Tab)
3. Improved BB5 Product Scanning after a Complete Flash

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012


MXKEY / MXBOX v3.5 revision 1.7

Nokia Tool

- SL3 RSA Signature verify on "Read Hash", sha readed by MX now is 100% valid
- Disk usage info on fire.exe

- file version indentification for installed data package
- phone images definitions in now synched with fire tool
- pinout images updated

- rapido usb *****trap causing BSOD
- xgold not booting
- [sl3bf], oclHashcat 00.08 speed not shown

hti drivers updated

updated sl3u to version 1.7
- added: Master sp code verification on calculate cod
- improved: online logger function

updated sl3bf to version 3.6
- added: Master sp code verification after bf task finished
- bugfix: oclHashcat-lite-0.08 with "--outfile-format=1" problem

BEST dongle

Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.38 : Lumia Support added !

- USB flashing improved 
- Added QC-based Nokia support(Lumia)

Features : 
- Dead/Alive phone flashing
- Custom Flashing
- Device Wipe

Fast, save and easy flashing!
- BB5 flashing improved
- USB loaders updated to 11.50 
- MeeGo flashing improved 
- Release version update during flash fixed

- Service operations improved
- SimLock restore improved for RAP3 phones
- Simlock restore improved for all platforms (PA_SL30 handling, new formats)

- Other
- Much Interface changes (For better and easy use) 
- VPL parser for QC added, autofile selection for WP as for BB5
- Stuff Files updated

- Ini updated. Added new models and corrected existing

WP7 phones (Lumia) notes : 
*WP phones allow Downgrade version (full or only WP part)
*Wipe (Full Factory Clear) device can be performed by ONLY UDA flashing (it near 1kb size) per model
They located in phdata/WP7_wipe/
*Not required, but if standart Nokia Drivers not work, Zune installatio




SETOOL v1.01

SETOOL v1.1203


HWK Support Suite Setup v02.02.000

HWK Major Suite v02.02.000

HWK Suite Minor v2.2.0.1

HWK Suite Minor v2.2.0.2

HWK Suite Minor v2.2.0.3


HWK Major Suite (22/05/2011)

1. BB5 products: RM-576,RM-577 (6700s,6700s-1c) added.
2. Local RPL Service Fixed for ASIC 2,5,6,7,11 (UEM_PASW is Correct now)
Note: Need Confirm [Readout and Use UEM IMEI] when do [Rd UEM].
3. [Check Ask/Rpl] Renamed to [Calc Ask/Rpl] as can Calculate RPL now.
4. [Calc Ask/Rpl] Function will Generate Real RPL from ASK file (ASIC 2,5,6,7,11)
Note: When Reading UEM, do not Forget Set Right [UEM Changed] Status !
5. RSA Lock/Unlock for All DCT4+ products (not need Patch)
6. Life Timer added to [PM Edit]
7. DCT4 INFINEON Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added: 
RM-669,RM-689,RM-704,RM-732,RM-733 (1202,1616-2,1616-2b,C1-01,C1-01.1,
8. BB5 RAP3Gv40 Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
9. BB5 RAPU Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
(Vertu CQ,N8-00,C6-01,E6-00,E6-00.1,X5-01,5230-1d,E5-00,E5-00.2,X3-02,C3-01,
10.BB5 RAPIDO Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
11.BB5 JUNO (BCM21351) Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
12.Original SX4 Card Support Added (Use Any PCSC Compatible Card Reader)

1. Infineon: 
A110,A130,A133,A133GO,A170,A180,C100,C105,C300,C30 0GO,C305,
C310,GB220,GB220nGO,GB230,GB280,GD350,GD510,GD510N ,GM360,
GM360i,GM600,GS170,GS290,GS290GO,GS290N,GS390GO,GS 500,GS500g,
GS500gx,GS500v,GT350,GT350GO,GT350i,GT360,GT365,GU 220,GU230,
KC550,KC550d,KF510,KF510d,KF600,KF600d,KM380,KM380 c,KM380d,
KM385d,KM386c,KP500,KP500N,KP501,KP502,KP502GO,KP5 05,KP550,
KP570q,KS360,KS365,T300,T310,T310i,T310N,T315,T315 i,T320,
T320e,T320g,T325 added.
1. To See Unlock Codes and Instructions, Press [BOOT]
2. To Flash Dead Phones, Tick [Emerg. Boot]
3. FLS and BIN files supported for Flashing.
2. USB Support for Infineon SGOLD3, SGOLDRADIO, XGOLD213.
Note: To use USB Select USB in [Baud] ComboBox.

3. ADI: G210,G220,G232,G233,G259,G262,G263,G610,G622,G632, G635,
G639,G660,G672,G677,C682,G688,G810,G822,G828,G912, GM200,GM205,
GM205GO,GM210,KF245,KG296,LG8930,MG235,MG295,MG296 added.
4. TI: C1300i,C2000,G850,L1400i,MG191a,MG191b,MG200c,MG20 0d added.
5. MTK: A120,A155,A160,A165,GB160a,GB160b,GB161,GB190a,GB2 70,GS190,GS200,GS205 added.
6. BT Address Write Added for ADI, Infineon and MTK platforms.

A127,i626,T719,X475 added (DUNL,IM,FL)
T209,T319 added (DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
T409,T619,T739 added (DUNL,IM,SECT,FL)
Added Multi Drive support for TFS Read.
Fixed SLAVE Boot Bug on some models (D980,D980F,D988)
TFS Extractor and TFS Builder added, Allows to Edit TFS files.
Added [Patch MSL] Function to Patch without MCU Part Flashing.
C3300i,T109,T119 added (DUNL,IM,FL)
E1225T,E1225T-IND,E2121L added (PUNL,PIM,FL)
1.Mixing of EU IND MEA SEA Files causes Blinking or Dead Sets.
2.E1081T EU E2P Image is not Compatible with IND, MEA or SEA.
3.For Cross Flashing Select Model Name Extension by File type.
4.Before Unlock, Info to see Codes or Rebuild IMEI use
[Patch MSL] Button or Flash with [Patch MSL] Option Enabled.
C3222,C3222W added (DUNL,CUNL)
Note: C3222 Flashing not Supported yet, use Original Flasher.
TFS Extractor and TFS Builder added, Allows to Edit TFS files.
C5010E,E3210 added (CUNL,SECT,FL)
A597,A847,A927,B2710D,C5180,S5520,S5580,S6700T,S68 88,T359,T479,
T746,T749 added.
More Versions Support of Hidden Sysinfo models CUNL and UNFR:
A597,A706,A707,A717,A727,A847,A887,A897,A927,B2710 ,B2710D,S3370,
S8500B,S8530 added (FL)
S5230N added (FL,CUNL,UNFR,BRP)
S3850,S5260,S5263,S5330L,S5560i,S5750E,S5753E,S723 0B,S7230E,
S7230W,S7233E added (FL)
S5250,S5253,S5330,S5330L,S5333 Boot Repair (BRP)
[QCDI Info] Renamed to [BCMBL Info] for BroadCom Models.
B3310i,C3200,C3200G,C3200L,C3530,C3530L,E2230,E223 0M,E2232,
E2330,E2330B,E2330C,E2530,E2652,E2652W,S3310i,S335 0,S3353,
S3550,S3550C,S3550L added (CUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL,UFL)
Note: for USB Flashing select 'USB0' in [BaudRate] box.
E1151, Now Possible to Flash Read BIN Dump (Size: 007F0000)

HWK Minor Suite

1. DCT4+ ASIC2 Unlock Bug Fixed 
2. Wrong Locks Status Indicator Fixed (RH-86,RH-87)
3. Detail Description Message on Bad VPL File Exception.
4. BB5 RAPU Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
RM-744,RM-745,RM-775 (C5-00.3,C5-00.2,X3-02.5)

1. Infineon: 
A100,A100a,A175,A175a,A175b,A180a,A180b,GB102GO,GB 105a,
GB107a,GB125a,GB126a,GS101a,GS101GO,GS107a,GS107b, GS117,
GS155,GS155a,GS155b,GS500f,GU200,GU200a,GU200b,KF5 10c,
KF600c,KF600d,KM570,KM570f,KP105a,KP106a,KP106b,KP 107a,
KP107b,T325g,TE350GO added.
2. ADI: 
KP115a,KP130b,KP215a,KP260c,KP265d added.

Some DUOS models Slave Boot bug Fixed.
E1050,E1055T,E1080W,E1170i E2P Size Fixed.
Max Section Size Increased.
E1182 added (DUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL)
C3303i,C3322,C3500 added (CUNL,DUNL,IM,SECT,E2P)
C3322,C3500 TFS and CSC Flashing not Supported yet,
use Original Flasher.
C5010B added (CUNL,SECT,FL)
A885,A886,F406,S3370B,S3370L added.
E2652,E2652W USB Flahing bug Fixed.
E2152i added (CUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL,UFL)
XGOLD213 BIF file Write bug fixed.
XGOLD213 Patch bug fixed.
B5310R,C6712,S3853,S5250W added (UFL)

HWK Suite Minor (22/08/2011)

DCTxBB5 v2.2.0.2
1. BB5 RAPU Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
RM-776 (C3-01.5)
2. DCT4 INFINEON Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added: 
RM-692,RM-693,RM-702,RM-713 (C2-02,C2-02.1,C2-03,X1-01)

LG_GSM v2.2.0.2
1. Infineon: 
A108,A190,A190a,A190b,A210,A210b,GB125R,GC900fGO,G T350f,
KS360GO added.
2. EGV V3-32 and EGV V3-64 Direct Unlock and IMEI enable added.
Note: Use [Unlock] before IMEI rebuild.
3. EGV V3-64 new Flash Chips Support.

SAMs v2.2.0.2
for non 8 Digits PCK Fixed.
added (PUNL,PIM,FL)
E1182L added (DUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL)
E1225T,E1182 TFS Flashing bug Fixed.
C3322 Unlock, IMEI, Sections bug Fixed.
B7722,B7732 Slave Part Flashing/Read/E2P added.
T669 Added.
C3011,C3560,C3750,C3752 added (CUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL,UFL)
E2232 Flashing bug Fixed.
for non 8 Digits PCK Fixed.